Sunday, September 6, 2009

Worst weekend ever...still there's a BUT

Two days, depression kicks in. Felt the loneliness when all are far away. I'm trying really hard and i need support, but higher hopes leads to higher disappointment. Maybe i should just hope and don't expect like what Rachel said??

Looking at the amount of things to do and read. Trying my best to do my tutorials all on time, but when do I find time to study? I did all my questions but how much do I understand? Of course I need to take it easy, but the environment here like doesn't allow me to do so.


Ok.. Finally I went to church today. It is a Presbyterian church. I was reminded that God not just wants us to know His word, He also wants us to apply them in our lives. The sermon points out so clearly that when we're in trials we need to rejoice too. It's like pointing at me telling me that. The Joy of the Lord is my strength!! Few verses to share:

James 1:2 -- count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet various trials.

Romans 8:28 -- We know that everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

God is reassuring me again that the trials and hard times I'm facing now it's not bad after all. I need to have the joy of the Lord and rejoice even during my hard times. He has His purpose in me and for each one of you too!!

Maybe or most probably you'll find me winding bout this again, but i pray that what i've learn today will stop me from doing so. =P

I'm ok by now, although still hurt but am recovering i guess. Hope so...
